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Old 15th February 2023, 03:04 PM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Detlef,

It seems to be some modern lacquer applied in a hasty way: Note the blisters from uneven application, trapped air bubbles, and tiny splashes (one even seems to sit on the re-carved surface).

I'm confident that this wasn't done by any traditional Aceh/Gayo/Alas artisan. It may well have been done in Medan, Jakarta, Bali, etc. or in South Africa! Compare it with old sunginggan work or lacquer work from Palembang. Moreover, traditional white paint applied on polished horn doesn't stand a chance to hold up well in active use.

Some parts of the paint seem to be loose already. For one's peace of mind, one could try to heat a piece of the paint on a clean hotplate for cooking and test for any artificial/plastic smell... (Do it on your own risk though! Be aware that it may leave unsightly residues, form harmful gases/smoke, scatter very hot blobs, or even ignite.)

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