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Old 14th February 2023, 01:50 PM   #8
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Another a friend was kind enough to send me images of privately and gave permission to post here. His description, basically in agreement with my own thoughts on the use of these.

"Size 18-1.4 inches total, blade 12-1/4 inches, spine close to hilt thickness ½ inch.

Date second half of 19thc.

Likely Cambodian or khmer regions of Thailand bordering Cambodia.

The cutting edge is blunt for 2-3/4 inches into the blade, allowing for longer grip for use as knife for small jobs, splitting rattan, palm, bamboo etc, blunt edge also for use as a scraper for removing bark etc.
The lotus type is worn due to much use, was likely more pointed when it started its life, the pronounced tip on these would be used in removal of palm fruits etc from outer shells, thinning rattan or palm for cordage.
A general all purpose tool come weapon."

All of these seem to exhibit the same manner of sharpening leaving a significant portion of the blade by the base unsharpened and quite thick. They are all fairly heavy towards the grip meaning there is a great chopping capability with the last 1/3rd of the blade.
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