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Old 11th February 2023, 06:07 AM   #28
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Werecow that is great! "High Road to China" was another favorite movie!
Good catch noticing those Khyber knives. That movie was based on a novel by the same name, by Australian writer Jon Cleary. It is not noted , but it seems clear that the basis for the book was the adventurer Richard Halliburton, who flew in a round the globe expedition in a Stearman biplane. In Persia, he met a German aviatrix and they combined itineraries. The concept of an aviation adventure to exotic places with a pair of biplanes as the case with these flyers seems to be the same setting.
In the movie, the costuming seemed well researched.

In his book, "Seven League Boots" which I read before seeing the movie he visited Georgia in the Caucusus, where he met the Khevsur people.
The pictures in the book were the first I had ever heard of these people, and years later got one of these swords.

The photo is of Halliburton wearing the mail these people were still wearing in the 1930s.

Interesting note on the Sikkin swords, and that they were used theatrically, indeed does sound like dedicated actors.
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