Thread: New Rapier
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Old 10th February 2023, 11:36 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Bristol
Posts: 116
Default New Rapier

Morning all.

This has just arrived after crawling across the globe and being stuck in UK customs hell (backlog of goods to clear).

Seller thought it was northern German but I have no other information.
Blade is 36" (91cm) long including the ricasso, is 1/2" (12.7mm) thick and 1" (25.4mm) wide at the ricasso and overall it weighs 1270g (2.8lbs). It's certainly a beefy blade compared to my other (English) rapiers.

Blade is marked on the ricasso ANTON (then goes under the quillon block) and the other side PICININO, with a crowned shield shaped stamp, which is not unlike his mark.
There are letters in both of the deep fullers which I haven't yet had a go at deciphering, plus the familiar anchor stamped at the end of the fuller. There are traces of alloy in the grooves on the quillon block.

Anyone any idea of the original source and dating? I had a look through AVB Norman, the Wallace Collection catalogue and others last night and drew a blank.
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