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Old 3rd February 2023, 02:35 PM   #159
Join Date: Apr 2005
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I'm 85% sure I almost bought this very one, actually, but alas, was out of sword funds.
Yup, a really nice piece from PeterA.

Just ran across this thread, thought I'd cross link it here since it mentions an association between the hudiedao and river pirates.
That link is just as spurious. Sure, "river pirates" were utilising these - just as everyone in the region.

The slender hudiedao also was a regulation pattern in southern China and quite certainly based on earlier local traditions; the beefier blades seem to be a later "civilian" development to avoid fatal wounds.

Colonial officials were quick to label any resistance as bandit or pirate activity. The real pirates/predators had their bases in European (and later American) harbours. Of course, there also was local piracy & raiding - with whatever weapons were at hand.

Obviously, if you have a somewhat shady occupation, you usually don't want to show that and invite persecution. Same with specific "Ninja" swords - stupid idea...

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