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Old 19th January 2023, 07:48 PM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Perhaps the term "pedang lurus" depends upon the location it is used in, the people who use this term, and the context.

In my experience the term is widely used exactly as I have commented, ie, as a generic, often the "lurus" is omitted, & just pedang is used, the locations I have in mind are Central Jawa, Solo & Jogja, but also in East Jawa and in South Bali.

The people using the term pedang, or pedang lurus have been dealers, craftsmen and collectors in these areas.

The same, exactly the same, terminology is used with keris, with tombak, and with sticks that fall off trees:- to differentiate between a straight blade or stick and a waved blade or stick we use the word "lurus" in one instance & "luk" or "berluk" in the other.

The word lurus is an adjective and it is used as such.

It is not a noun.

Combined with the noun "pedang" it is an absolutely legitimate use of the word.

The actual name of a pedang is a different matter, often this affixation of a correct name can become a matter of discussion & disagreement, for instance, the basic differentiation between the pedang tusuk & the pedang sabet is that one is waved and one is straight, but that is not really a tight differentiation, it is better to think of the difference in terms of use:- a pedang tusuk (or suduk) is a pedang used to thrust, a pedang sabet is a pedang that is used to slash.

Sometimes a pedang sabet might be straight, but then we have the other names. From memory I think Harsrinuksmo lists around 7 or 8 common names for pedangs. Then there is the pedang kalawijan, and in Jawa this can be a pedang that bears features that are not commonly seen on a pedang, features such as kembang kacang or sogokan, so if we really do want to be pedantic about this matter, the pedang under discussion is Pedang Kalawijan.

But that is in Jawa.

In Lombok it is a type of pedang that is known as a Klewang. I have also heard it referred to in South Bali as Klewang.

It seems that Djelengga for one agrees with my understanding.

However, in general conversation with somebody in the dealer and general tosan aji community in Solo, Jawa, this item under discussion would be referred to as a pedang, any qualifiers would be added later and could be subject to discussion & disagreement.
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