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Old 19th January 2023, 11:25 AM   #9
jagabuwana's Avatar
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Milandro - though "pedang lurus" is commonly used here in this forum, in all my conversations in bahasa Indonesia or Sundanese with native speakers, swords have always been referred to as "pedang" and never pedang lurus.

My quick look in Google Indonesia would also have it that "pedang lurus" is almost always used on English-speaking sources to describe usually Javanese swords of various types, even ones with obvious sabre-like curves in them (as yours does), which to my ears is kinda odd given that lurus unambiguously means "straight".

The Indonesian sources I do see using the term to describe similar Indonesian/Javanese swords are sellers. Otherwise it used to describe swords of other cultures that are straight such as jians and claymores.
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