Originally Posted by Interested Party
Originally Posted by David
I think it is much more common on Sumatran keris (not that it never shows up on a Peninsula sheath.
I.P., this blade is only 18cm long (about 7 inches). Not very likely it was intended as a serious weapon. More likely served a similar function to either a keris selit or patrem.
Thanks David. For some reason I did not process the 18cm when I looked at the screen. On a side note, didn't many Sumatran Sewars have a blade length of around 18cm? Were these considered decorative as well?
Most of them certainly are decorative.

Pretty much all sewar are certainly meant to be weapons, indeed.
A blade length of 18cm is certainly enough to be considered as a serious blade and can do enough damage. A short blade affects reach and, thus, fighting style. Obviously, it's not a primary battlefield weapon. Hardly any keris is.