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Old 15th January 2023, 11:05 AM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Absolutely beautiful.

In my opinion this is a variation, or perhaps more correctly a pamor that has been inspired by Pamor Poleng Wengkon.

In 1980 Dietrich Drescher collaborated with Pande Keris Seni Pauzan Pusposukadgo to create a keris with Pamor Poleng Wengkon.

The design was created by Dietrich Drescher, the work was carried out by Pande Keris Seni Pauzan Pusposukadgo.

The resultant keris was presented to Bapak Menko Polkam H. Surono. I was present at that presentation.

In later years this pamor, together with variations was also produced by the pandes of Sumenep Madura. I have one of these later pieces.

This one that YS has presented to us is perhaps the most stunning I have yet seen. It is more simple than the original but my feeling is that the simplicity has enhanced the artistic effect.

For those who might wonder why I have used "Pande Keris Seni" as a title, this is because this is the title that Bp. Pauzan preferred, he would not accept the designation of "Empu" because it was in conflict with his religious beliefs. Bp. H. Pauzan was a dedicated Muslim.
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