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Old 15th January 2023, 04:15 AM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yes, the blade is very old, in Mojopahit times and later spears sometimes had ribbons as adornment, these holes in the base were probably intended to accommodate ribbons. See Quaritch Wales on banners.

The dress could have been made yesterday morning, this sort of thing is very common in Jawa, thing is, it is not, to the best of my knowledge, an old style of dress. Sukarno carried one of these things, and this is what made them popular.

Best not to try to own one in NSW without the proper permit. That warning probably applies to the entire Land of Oz.

Ian, yours looks as if it might be ovoid rather than round, as a command baton (ie, "stok komando") it would be expected to be round, so lacking the round form it then becomes just one of the modern ways in which to dress a tombak:- if ovoid it is not pretending to be something it might not be, thus probably not subject to prosecution for possession.
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