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Old 14th January 2023, 04:44 PM   #14
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Rick View Post
Why does Bannerman come to mind when we are discussing movie props.

Rick, I missed your post! Bannerman's, the most intriguing surplus 'kingdom' (they had a castle on an island in the Hudson River) of all time!
I had thought of them with regard to movie and theatrical props using actual antique weapons, but as yet have not found any recorded links to these entities ever getting them from Bannermans.

It seems likely that stage drama producers situated on the East Coast might have utilized the huge stockpiles from them, but their productions were quite small compared to movies. The film industry of course was moved to the West Coast in the teens, thus beginning Hollywood, so unless there were cross country dealings, any use of them would have been incidental.

However, when one thinks of movies of the scope of Griffiths and of course DeMille.......the volumes of weapons needed would far exceed simple antique shops!

If only I had a time mschine! would have loved to prowl through the piles of old weapons they must have had!
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