Thread: machete
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Old 12th January 2023, 06:45 PM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409

Interested Party,

You bring up some fundamental issues for the subject of "ethnographic weapons". How is an EW defined. Is it an item used by an "ethnic person" or made within an "ethnic/cultural tradition"? Does a person who is no longer a member of a the relevant cultural tradition cease to be an "ethnic" and is his weapon still "ethnographic"? If a bonafide ethnic person uses an alien weapon, can that weapon ever become ethnographic or must he change it somehow to have relevant cultural traits?

Are we members of the FORUM ethnics? If not when did we cease to be? Do we possess ethnographic items linked to our modern personal cultures?

In 1965 Frederick Barth wrote a seminal article on Ethnic Groups & Boundaries, link attached. Worth reading.

Here is another article that assesses his work.

Just some ideas for thought.
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