Thread: bronzes
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Old 12th January 2023, 02:46 PM   #3
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

A most interesting topic, thanks for posting. Unfortunately, I know very little about these bronzes (made by Tribal, mainly Animist peoples in India, such as the Khonds), but would like to find out more. There were some Africans historically relocated to Western India as a result of the East African slave trade (Siddis), but not from West Africa, as far as I know. The famous Yao African "Sidi Bombay", companion to Victorian explorers Burton & Speke, spent time in India and could speak Hindi.

Looking on the internet, I see there is a book "Bastar Bronzes, Tribal Religion & Art" by Niranjan Mahawar, this might be a useful source of information and answer your questions.

Would be good to learn more in this subject...
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