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Old 9th January 2023, 07:30 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 128

from the brass barel i presume is made for sea service. But which country an d what date? Is it a specific navy model or a private purchase?

Some naval small arms had brass barrels, however that was simply an alternative medium for gun barrels in this period & should not be taken as a 'sea service' attribution per se. I know of no navy who provided such elaborate pistols for their seamen, which were usually of very basic design; so it is a commercially produced pistol. The general features of this pistol, the straight lockplate, reinforced pan, etc place it, in my opinion, into the late 1700s & early 1800s.
The proof mark should be recognised by readers, is it a crown over K? Perhaps a close up of that will help provide which country.
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