5th January 2023, 02:38 AM
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470
Originally Posted by milandro
I have come across this a couple of times outside of this forum ( on the forum I have also read , can't remember were exactly or by whom, that some members weren't inclined to show their own " private" kris' images and I certainly respect that.)
However I came across a couple of times people selling their kris and showing it only sheathed, now that, frankly, I don't understand.
I tried to say to them that logic, would demand that if I were to purchase, especially at a distance, a kris, I would need to look at the blade.
The answer was that they were told that it was bad luck to show a kris' blade.
I found it rather strange, how can we as a buyer buy a keris without looking at the bilah condition first. No view, equals to no pay.