Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 3rd January 2023, 10:06 PM   #38
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

David, you have issued warnings several times now, so I can only assume that you do indeed detect sarcasm in my writing.

I am very sorry that this is so.

It seems Gustav also thought I was being sarcastic at one point, so I offer my apologies to him.

My informal writing --- and in this Forum I do write in an informal style --- is pretty much the same as the way I speak. I admit that I have sometimes been accused of having a sharp tongue, so I have reviewed my contributions to this conversation between Gustav & myself to try to detect some objectionable remarks, not only from me, but also from Gustav.

I'm afraid I can find nothing at all objectionable in Gustav's posts. Yes, he does tend to be a little too positive in his writing style, yes, he does tend to assume a bit too much, but that is his style, there is nothing objectionable there. Not from my perspective in any case.

I have met Gustav and spent time with him. He is a well mannered, civil person, very astute and a careful observer. His contributions to this Forum indicate that he has applied himself well to gaining information from the sources available to him.

I can find nothing at all that I would consider to be objectionable in any of Gustav's posts to this thread.

In respect of my own posts to this thread.

In my post #15, I admit, I was less than sweet, I was getting bored with the presentation of what I thought of as irrelevant material, and with the almost total disregard for what I had already stated. Apart from that I posted those remarks at a time when I might have been well advised to write nothing and to keep my mouth shut. Between 24 December & 1 January, the area where I live is not a real great place to be --- not for locals anyway, but the visitors love it. Too much.

My post #15 was not respectful, and I do regret verging on behaving in an unacceptable fashion.

I have carefully reviewed my recent posts, #31 & #34 and I can detect not the slightest touch of sarcasm in these posts. By my own standards, standards that I employ in my professional writing, these posts are flat, unemotional and from my perspective, factual.

I most sincerely regret that you find both my style and Gustav's style to be other than civil exchanges between two people whom I do regard as civil, straightforward people.

Since you do not like our style David, perhaps it might be best to close this thread immediately.

If David does close this thread Gustav you are welcome to continue discussion with me through email if you wish. If you want my current email address please PM me.
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