Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 3rd January 2023, 12:54 PM   #36
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262

Alan, thank you again for your very kind words. I must say though, that my Keris studies have extended beyond material available online or printed for some time already.

With the five Keris, Groneman was involved as middleman and Prince Pakualam did the commission, because Karyodikromo was subject of Pakualaman, a court empu. The Keris were made for an Austrian Museum and paid by Dr. Heger, Head of a Departement of that museum, and is in collection of that museum since arrival.

No english translation, but the translation of that citation is quite precise.

Regarding long point - the last Luk of Karyodikromo is typically very short and mostly doesn't have a perceptible concave curve on Gandhik side. For example, like on this 13 Luk Keris by Karyodikromo. Is it common to call a short last Luk a "long point" in Surakarta? Thank you for clarification.

This Keris on p. 233 wasn't attributed to Karyodikromo by museum in Leiden. It was commissioned to Karyodikromo through Groneman for Count O. van Limburg Stirum, and thus attributed to Karyodikromo by Groneman himself.

On matter of
Since Groneman was clearly using at least one other maker attached to the Pakualamanan

The other maker, Empu Supo Taruno, wasn't in any kind attached to Pakualaman. In fact, Groneman writes on Fig 15, "it was forged by the self employed Empu Supo Taruno". There was only one court Empu at that time, Karyodikromo. Groneman worked closely only with Karyodikromo, and when he commissioned something from another Empu, he did mention it.
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Last edited by Gustav; 3rd January 2023 at 03:42 PM.
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