Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 3rd January 2023, 12:14 PM   #35
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964


I agree with everything you have written Rasdan, and when it gets right down to it, you have set forth the the whole problem of giving the keris shown in Post #1 a classification:- it lacks a sufficient balance of indicators that would permit it to be placed in any broad classification.

I cannot say in even broad terms where it is from, and since I was taught that we achieve an opinion in respect of classification by eliminating all the examples that have features which preclude them from consideration, I cannot give an opinion where this keris might be from, nor can I give an opinion on where it might not be from.

Guesses I can do, opinions I cannot.

You're right about the Mataram classification, there is a multitude of sub-classifications for Mataram.

In my opinion you are also right about classification & quality:- we do not need to have an applicable tangguh classification to have quality in a keris. The two concepts differ.
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