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Old 3rd January 2023, 07:52 AM   #6
jagabuwana's Avatar
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Thank you Alan and to the native speaker who helped you with the translation.

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey View Post
does this fit the context of the rest of the text?

I don't know, sorry. The article I found it from gives an interpretation of 19 ricikan, from the Serat Centhini and it might give you a better idea on this. Should it interest you, here is the link to the article written in Bahasa Indonesia.

DO NOT click on any of the hyperlinks linking out to other pages in the body of the text. It will redirect you to malware.. The link to the article itself is fine but it looks like the hyperlinks got compromised.


Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey View Post
Is there a date on this thing?
There was but I didn't take a photo or make a note of it, nor do they have a catalogue online that I can find it in.

In my previous post I mentioned 2nd century BCE off memory, but I'm questioning that now as it might have been from the part of the exhibition that was about the Samhan period, prior to the Three Kingdoms reaching maturity. So that would make it 1st century BCE to 4th Century CE.
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