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Old 2nd January 2023, 12:24 AM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 138

Thank you for sharing this interesting find!

In my opinion, the pommel can be classified as Oakeshott's sub-type E1, a late variant of the old brazil-nut form, that can be seen in Naumburg as mentioned by Jim. The distribution of this type is mostly in Germany and Eastern Europe, a good reference on this is Aleksic's Swords of Southeastern Europe.

Many examples (especially in the East) can be dated to the 13th century, appearing sometimes with type XIII blades, sometimes with multiple fullers. Not the case here, but the grip seems proportionally quite long, which is more likely a later feature rather than earlier.

Here are two of the most similar examples I could find, with the flattened top and slightly concave sides, from Romania and Moravia.
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