Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 1st January 2023, 12:06 PM   #27
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Alan, thank you for your elaborate response and the Tangguh summary.

My only aim at the beginning was to try to explain, why I don't believe the initial Keris of this thread could originate in South Sumatra, Palembang. I posted the three other Keris, because I (at this point or forever) guess, they all could be from roughly the same time period - end of 18th cent until at latest middle of 19th cent., and come from Central Java. I see and understand, why you doubt such geographical attribution for the initial Keris - oncemore thank you for your last three posts.

Just a clarification about the Keris from Wassing-Visser's book - it was part of King Willem's III collection, that means, most likely collected before 1860. She had help of K.R.T Hardjonegoro identifying items, so there is a possibility, that the identification of the Kinatah motif as orchid, and the estimation of blade as ancient type of Solo Keris be his.

And I have a question about Tungkakan. Can we indeed say, the initial Keris doesn't have one, in contrast to the other three? To me the size of it and at least that on Keris from V-W's book seems to be similar.
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Last edited by Gustav; 1st January 2023 at 03:24 PM.
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