Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 31st December 2022, 11:14 AM   #20
Join Date: Jun 2009
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I would like to introduce three other blades. At first, an example from Robert Hales book, page 124. We see some correpondences in goldwork motifs, mainly - the lotus motif in the middle of blade, at the end of middle ridge at Gonjo;
- the ball with five rays; on blade discussed in this thread on Gandhik, on blade from book above Poyuhan.

We see a correspondence in execution of single Sogokan - in both cases the "middle ridge" actually goes slightly out of the middle to the other half of blade, so that we have impression, Odo-Odo starts from the middle of Sogokan and not from Janur. I am quite sure, such handling of single Sogokan we most likely wouldn't find on a Palembang blade.

It perhaps doesn't say anything and is just a coincidence, but there we have another old high quality Mendhak with Meniran Polos, which I haven't seen often so far (I also am quite sure the Mendhak of Keris in question is made from gold).

Well, the attribution of Mr. Hales for this blade is Yogyakarta, 18th cent.
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Last edited by Gustav; 31st December 2022 at 12:04 PM.
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