Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 30th December 2022, 09:07 AM   #13
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Alan, a question - which is the curvature of Gonjo, that is unsuitable for Central Javanese dress? Because, if you mean the spine of Gonjo, the curvature here is rather moderate. There are early Pakualaman Keris where it is much more pronounced. In fact early Pakualaman perhaps could be one guess for this blade.

The kind of goldwork and its motifs are absolutely untypical for Palembang either.
Goldwork on Gonjo is only partly different from that on the blade - the part below Gandhik belongs to the ensemble on blade, the flat "paint" on sides and spine of Gonjo is an addition. So I don't see any hints of Gonjo being a replacement.

I have not seen any Keris with Kembang Kacang Bungkem outside Java until now.

Of course Mendhak is standard old Yogyakarta, but it has one peculiarity - instead of Meniran there is a flat rim. As I wrote, I am aware of one another Yogyakarta Mendhak with such feature until now, and it comes en ensemble with Keris possibly created in the same workshop. Moreover, the blade has the same kind of goldwork motifs and equally extravagant Ricikan.
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