Thread: Keris Jawa?
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Old 29th December 2022, 10:54 PM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Below are my comments upon what I believe I can see in these photos. These comments are not to be read as a tangguh type classification, but they do represent some of the things that would come under consideration if I were to handle this keris.

This blade has probably had the gonjo replaced, the curvature of the gonjo is unsuitable for Central Javanese dress, it suggests West Jawa or South Sumatera, more likely South Sumatera, Palembang. The form of the top of the gonjo is compatible with Pajajaran. The pawakan is decidedly South Sumatera. The Palembang gonjo form is usually closer to a Mataram form, but in reality, there is no standard form that can be applied to Palembang.

Overall craftsmanship of this blade appears to be fine.

The gold work on the gonjo has been created by a different hand to the hand that created the gold work on the wilah (body of blade). The motifs used in the gold work are motifs I have not seen in Central Javanese kinatah work.

The hilt & mendak are pretty much stock standard old Ngayogyakarta. I cannot give a wondo for the hilt, the mendak is parijoto in some places, bejen in other places, where I went to school it is parijoto, & of very fine work, it could well be gold as suggested.

It is an older blade, but even in the hand I would hesitate to put an approximate date on it, there are simply not sufficient known indicators to support an opinion.

It is certainly not something from The Land of Jawa, possibly it might come from the Island of Jawa, Sunda, but I think my best guess would be South Sumatera.
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