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Old 23rd December 2022, 01:19 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 138

The pommel seems very unusual (and very large), I do not think I have ever seen one quite like it. I think type Q pommels are always made of only one piece, and generally have crosses with a complementary shape. Type L is overall quite different, apart from the curvature of the pommel.

The five "knuckles" of the pommel cap remind me of type K more than type O, but both of these types are straight and not curved, with one possible exception that I only know from an illustration, shared below. Type O is also usually quite ornate, with various kinds of surface decorations, while K often plainer.

The two-piece, curved pommel plus simple, straight guard actually reminds me more of type Y, though of course the shape of the pommel cap is unique, and I do not think this type is ever riveted in the way shown here.

Almost all sword inscriptions are read hilt-to-tip, so the "DC+" is more likely the beginning and not the end of the inscription, and probably should be read as abstract signs and not specific letters.

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