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Old 21st December 2022, 11:17 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 55
Default Help needed to id knife

I have had this knife in my collection for a few years, but have never researched where it was made. Based on a few clues I believe it is Asian in origin. Total length is 25cm, or 10 inches. Blade is 4mm thickness at the guard. The handle is solid horn, with brass ricasso and guard. I'm interested in learning about the markings on the blade, particularly the sun image. It looks like the sun was created by using a round piece of copper that goes through the blade.

The scabbard is leather, badly damaged at the end where the very sharp point of the blade has punched through. Split rivets and thread hold the two pieces of the scabbard together. Overall it's an interesting knife even if it turns out to be just a tourist piece. Thanks for any and all information!
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