and here is another one....
to make it more international and more interesting;
the name on the blade
is a village in Almeria Spain; but we can ignore that with regard to this type of knife!
Sorbas? I hear you think...
wasn't that the name of.....
what was that chap's name again....?
Alexander Sorbas or Zorba ; Αλέξη Ζορμπά
Written by the most famous Cypriot Nikos Kazantzakis !
Then again.. Zorba wasn't Greek...he was also not even a fictional person but actual a real existing one : a Makedonian
(and met Nikos on Mount Athos where Zorba was a monk after quite an interesting life that inspired Nikos to write the novel;
Sorbas / Zorba never actually set a foot on Cyprus).
Back to the knife ( before Bulgars and Greek chase me with the cat o'nine tails over the Makedonian issue

what it comes down it that this specific knife might vary in size but actually was found in the past in the Balkans from what we call now from Croatia down to to Greece and Bulgaria, with Bosnia, Serbia, Makedonia in between and nowadays still in Turkey ( Bursa).
This one, not in my possension but some one I know, might be made somewhere between 1950 - 1960 ( perhaps a little later even)
Dimensions : 21,6 cm (open), 9,5 cm (blade), 12,1 cm (grip/handle), material : goat horn