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Old 19th December 2022, 10:06 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by fernando View Post
Jim, i was actually addressing David; but i can not say i appreciate the way you interpreted the scope of the forum, moulding the text in order to defend your personal point of view. We have been through this issue a zillion times by direct email. The Euro forum is not only about swords; the 19th century cutt off is more than reasonable when it concerns firearms, as far as antique arms are concerned.
Forgiving me for finding that, the way you have finalized your post, advicing members to contact moderators, you sound like you are trying to stir the pot.

All the best.
Unfortunately Fernando, I thought I was wording this in SUPPORT of YOUR position in understanding that there must be reasonable parameters in regulating the topic content. My suggestion to use private contact to discuss suggestions was to avoid a public .......match on this thread. That is why I mentioned hoping for constructive suggestions to find possible solutions for exceptions if such were possible.
The cutoff is I suppose necessary of course, but you can see my concerns on some topics. So now I understand the swords stipulation is in accord with firearms topic restrictions although the concerns are different but must be managed together.

My intention was support, and I had intended to contact you privately, but respond here in kind.

I withdraw my suggestion for members to place suggestions in any form, and recognize the case is closed. I did not realize this was pot stirring and there is no reason to discuss further.
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