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Old 19th December 2022, 06:15 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Noted. The primary concern when this forum was initiated in 2008 was that opening the discussion criteria to European arms of all times and to include firearms, ordnance, polearms, etc. might open the doors to more modern 'militaria'.
The idea of bayonets and misc , weapons of the modern wars in WWI & WWII which might even lead into nazi items etc. was concerning as detracting from the antiquarian discussions.

As has been described, these concerns are often confining as many weapons of earlier periods up to 1898 ended up being used, and in many cases still being produced after 1900, even into 20s and 30s.
In studying the history of many of these kinds of weapons forms, their scope of historical data often transcends the fixed terminus post quem of 1900.
The problem here of course becomes that the 'complete' history of the weapon form and its use comes to an abrupt and incomplete halt.

There is no 'volume II' to continue study of the form, nor proper venue for same, and any extenuation of such circumstances is held to endanger forum integrity by opening doors for more such situations.

This is truly a dilemma, and I decided to continue the discussion on M1913 Patton sword in the misc. forum, where the latitude is non confining as this is indeed a misc. category (non applicable in the other forums).

While this is more of a stopgap solution, I hope members who have ideas for solution might present them but privately to moderators, with whom the resolution is in their charge. I would hope to see this dilemma resolved constructively, and trust we will all follow that.
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