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Old 15th December 2022, 10:26 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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WOW! yeah, THAT is exactly what I hoped to find, and perfect that it is on a double disc cutlass is outstanding. This is I believe evidence that a good number of blades were coming into England and possibly Scotland from France.
There were Solingen makers in the Alsace area (before Klingenthal) and I think St.Etienne and Tulle were making blades (not sure of details) but it has been suggested the fluer de lis may have been a 'state' mark from the arsenal in Paris.

In Nuemann, the numbers of French hangers with blades of this type with FDL on blades is compelling. In Campbell's book on the swords from Culloden, it is noted the FDL is often found on British blades of these times.

Thank you so much CC!!
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