That does look to be quite a close match, down to the somewhat triangular area behind the lockplate - about the only think that doesn't quite match is the wrist/comb area behind the tang. Thanks for posting that one! Almost makes me wish I'd thrown up a bid, although I was saving my pennies for the second matchlock in the auction, lot 6. Will try to get some pictures posted of that one when I receive it.
Also, a very interesting take on the tubes and I could buy it. There was another matchlock (a wall gun) for auction this weekend at a different house, and that one had what seemed to be a rear sight with elongated parallel rectangular blades near the breech (see photos). Not a style I have commonly seen; then again, I'm sort of getting started when it comes to my knowledge base regarding matchlocks/wheellocks.
It is interesting to consider how sights have cycled in complexity and favor throughout history.