Thread: Katzbalger
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Old 9th December 2022, 03:57 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by corrado26 View Post
If you ever have seen a real catfight,you saw a very dense and narrow fight of two animals face to face when often parts of their coats are pulled out and fly through the air. This is the way cats fight normally and in German language this is a "Balgerei" - their "Balg" , (their coat) is mostly heavily damaged. This short distance of fight is the reason for the name of a Katzbalger, whose blade is really very short in comparison to other sabres and enables to be used in a very near fight.
That is an excellent explanation!!!and very true of course, and a cat fight is also extremely vicious as noted. The close quarters fighting was of course true of the warfare of these times and the melee where there was little room for any sort of sword fighting by method or system was more vicious hacking than anything else.
It is interesting how much descriptive metaphor and image became associated with the landsknechts. For example I have understood that they often wore deliberately tattered clothing which resembled the torn and damaged wear that men had after battle. This in effect suggested the wearer was well seasoned in battle, therefore a formidable foe .
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