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Old 23rd November 2022, 04:46 PM   #8
Richard G
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 409

I have difficulty believing Paul Storr ever actually made briquets. He has been researched extensively and it has never been suggested (to my knowledge). There is the possibility, however, that it is a retail mark. We know he was as much a businessman as a skilled silversmith and he may have simply seen an opportunity for profit supplying bought in briquets for the needs of one or more of his many rich and important customers. If we let our imaginations rip it could even be an ownership mark; for I am sure his premises, containing significant amounts of precious metal, needed guards and watchmen. As would many premises in the wealthy areas of London in those days.
Of course this is speculation, but remember that John Field, 'founder' of Parker-Field, important suppliers of weaponry to the non-military, started off as a goldsmith.
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