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Old 22nd November 2022, 03:07 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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How did this one get by me? Very nice implement! While no expert, I'd call this a pike head. To extraploate further, perhaps 18th century based on construction. It reminds me of the leaf-bladed boarding pikes used during this period from the American Revoution and War of 1812. It has that colonial 'unsophisticated' design to it. For a few similar examples, check out American Polearms: 1526-1865 Rodney Brown).

That being said, we must also consider alternatives. I have seen some Chinese spear heads with the swelling at the ferrule such as yours has. Hopefully, those more knowledgable on polearms will come in on this one!
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