Originally Posted by TVV
I am reading the inscription as "За Отличие въ Турецкой Войне", meaning "For Distinguishment in the Turkish War". To me, it is suspicious.
Ah, cool! But yeah, that does sound like the kind of thing you'd put on a forgery or tourist piece. Maybe some cheeky Georgian thought he did OK in that war and etched his own (or a war trophy) blade?

Originally Posted by ariel
i looked at the better pics and suddenly it dawned on me: ” за отличие в турецкой войне”.
I was so proud of myself and scrolled down the page to publish my momentous discovery when I saw Teodor’s post….
Well, I got silver:-)))
Or, as the Russians used to report the results of a duel between the American and the Russian runners: “Our runner came second and the American one came barely before the last”.
Hah, well I consider it a collective effort.
Originally Posted by ariel
Say whatever you want, the handle and the crossguard are typical Georgian.
True. Although the kilij blade is not very typical if I'm not mistaken? Perhaps it's a remounted blade.
Originally Posted by ASPaulding
Yours looks like a Shamshir grip and gaurd while the blade is a Kilij. Is it possible your blade was modified to resemble a Kilij?
I doubt that. It's got the typical T-section and it isn't an overly clunky one. It seems it was made this way, at least.