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Old 14th November 2022, 03:32 PM   #13
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 315

It is s lightly obscure reference...The Falaj was a water course or qanaat (Channel) often seen running for miles from a mountain source and often underground¬ narrow and lined with stone and with access towers so diggers could repair the system if required.
The spear is also important and was called a Rumi and that name was given to the rifle as well / Certainly the Khanjar was used in close quarters to finish an opponent.but I suspect this one is not Ivory but from a relatively new foto and actually plastic .For readers wishing to review it I offer the in depth study at Omani Khanjars....

Perhaps key to the architecture and layout of Omani Forts is detailed on Omani Forts and Cannon...for example I quote" Important forts such as al-Hazm or Jabrin also had their own falaj, or water-supply channel, running through the lower level. If this was blocked by attackers, several wells provided an alternative in time of siege. To mitigate the scorching climate, windows of forts such as Nizwa and Rustaq invariably face north to let in cooling breezes. Sitting rooms are thick-walled and served by natural air conditioning: Cool air blows in through large lower windows, and rising hot air escapes through small upper windows." Unquote.

Thank you for contributing.

Peter Hudson.

Last edited by Peter Hudson; 14th November 2022 at 06:37 PM.
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