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Old 10th November 2022, 06:15 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Runpel, this is an excellent idea, and a great way to approach this quite formidable topic of Indian sword terminology. Thank you for setting this up so systematically, and carefully separating and numbering these examples to avoid confusion in discussion. This is a fantastic collection BTW, and wonderful exemplars of the various forms.

Nihl, this is exactly what you were talking about in previous discussions. Thank you for establishing a detailed and well explained path forward in addressing the various terms used for these and the noted applications as far as common use and proper dialectic terms.

I think this can prove to be a valuable comprehensive resource that can compile the best and most useful terms to describe these many weapon forms. While I have studied these for many years, I must admit that many of these terms remain confusing, and it is often, if not typically a factor in many
issues in discussion.

There is no need for any sort of heated debate in this, as long as everyone remembers this is essentially 'brainstorming' and sharing their experience in the use of terms and offer supported background to explain them. It is key to keep this collecting of data objective and most helpful if those writing offer cited sources . This is most important in comparing data for evaluation and compiling a bibliography that will accompany this material.

Full speed ahead!
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