Thread: The Knaud
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Old 3rd November 2022, 02:29 AM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 144

I’ll jump in.

Disclaimer: I don’t have the book and I’m not knowledgeable in Keris.

I’ve found the following sentence (particularly in bold) intriguing:

"An analysis confirms N.J. Krom's presumption it is not only a very special artefact created in East Java during the 14th century but also that, considering its history and style, it must be linked to the temple site of Panataran which dates from the Majapahit era."

Keris shown in Candi Panataran as far as I know is leaf shape Keris with very basic features such as gandhik polos (non figural gandhik), whereas the Knaud Keris clearly show a figural gandhik and on top of that there are also some detailed carvings on the blade’s surface.

I’m interested to know what analysis confirms that the Knaud Keris was created during the 14th century?

Best Regards,

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