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Old 2nd November 2022, 09:11 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bontee View Post
Thanks Khanjar,Would you mind giving me your opinion on the “age,patina”I have come across this a number of times.It comes up in old weapons,banjos ,guns etc .Does the accumulation of ,can I bluntly call it “crud”have any influence on the values of these things.I can understand it on much more valuable older relics but on a knife like this which I am guessing has little or no real value (which as I have said isn’t of interest to me.) really matter ?.
A friend of mine plays banjo and he has a couple of very nice instruments,one modern one much older and he refuses to clean the old one ,I wouldn’t touch it if he let me ,it just looks filthy to me,he insists it is to be kept original.
Would cleaning this old knife up and polishing the blade be considered “not the thing to do”
many thanks again
all the best
Hi Kevin,
I see others have replied so you should have some guidance as to what is best for you to do to your Arm Dagger.... (nice piece by the way). What I mean by "age patina" is best shown by the pic attached of some brass Middle Eastern coffee pots I have. All have "age patina" and we are all aware of what brass looks like when polished. IMHO, these would not "look right" if highly polished. Hope this is of help.
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Last edited by kahnjar1; 3rd November 2022 at 12:31 AM.
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