Originally Posted by roanoa
This particular shotel has a grip made of buffalo horn, hence the "circular hole" at the bottom (again, this has been part of previous discussions).
Ha, when searching for "the hole" I seem to have found an
earlier discussion of the same gurade from before it was in my possession that I had previously overlooked. So I guess it's a naturally occurring phenomenon then. And actually the way it tapers and is not quite round and a bit tilted should've probably given it away. It gives me a glimpse of the tang.
Originally Posted by roanoa
The "cut" at the top of the scabbard (very nice conditions, by the way) is to allow the proper fitting of the curved blade. Scabbard with split top part are often found in indo-persian, arabian and even European swords with extreme curvature.
I think the thing that throws me about the cutout in the sheath wrt helping with the flared tip and curvature is that, unlike in the case of Indo Persian and Arabian swords, the cutout does not extend all the way to the top.
Perhaps it's just me being clumsy, but the tip can sometimes get hung up on the cutout bit when inserting the sword into the scabbard (or, well, trying to do so, and getting stuck halfway through because it's too tight.

Originally Posted by roanoa
Ethiopian scabbards are made of raw skin that shrink over time and become very tight for the blade. This problem can be "solved" by coating the blade with a lot of leather softener/conditioner. After many tries and applications it seems to work.
Thanks for the tip!