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Old 21st October 2022, 04:15 PM   #11
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Question I have is what B would be used for ?

Is it :
a. ceremonial
b. executional
c. something else , but what

as I can hardly see it as a combat weapon ( which A clearly is) as it would not be easy to handle, swing and be fast in a cover and attack mode which one would have with the type of sword which A is, or standard European, Ottoman and even Indonesian ( thinking of the agility originating from Pentjak Silat) ....
The lengtht and curve would contradict a close combat advantage for the bearer of this weapon I think...
Also the force of a blow being blocked would be on the erea indicated by me with the 2 red arrows, would not be nice at all or comfortalbe for the wrist and also muscles fo the arm and wearing the carrier of such weaopn out...
What is your opinion ?
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