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Old 19th October 2022, 07:23 AM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 194
Default watered steelblades by an cobra sword

many years ago tatyana started a thread in which a cobra sword was presented. i had bought this sword from charles and his description said that the blade is not made of damascus steel as is usual with these swords.
in the subsequent discussion, the question arose as to why this was described in this way, or whether these swords would also be available with damascus blades. jens wrote that he had already seen such a sword and i also know that such a sword was described in the catalog of indian weapons in danish private collections.
here is an example of such a sword. it was recently sold at auction and the blade is made from a very fine wootz steel.
what i particularly like here is the fine gold inlay on the blade disc.
it would be interesting to find out what the writing on the disc means, whether it gives an indication of the year of manufacture and possibly the manufacturer or the owner. maybe someone can decipher that. In any case, it is a very nice example of this type of sword. I think that this is not a battle sword but rather a court sword or was worn with clothing, because I have not yet seen any reference to the use of such swords in old Indian drawings or sculptures. does anyone know more about it?
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