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Old 19th October 2022, 02:04 AM   #16
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A couple of comments. I also believe that the hilt is hardwood (same used in Beja daggers) and not horn. Martin may share my opinion that the hilt itself is a "field" replacement. I also agree with Martin that the darkening of the rhino horn is not due to use of dyes. I personally think that the horn hilts were frequently treated with oils to prevent cracking and that some coloring may have happened as a result. Plus the Abyssinians ate food spiced up with local "berbere" (red chilly powder) and the oily residue would transfer from the hands to the sword hilt... Interestingly enough we see quite a few hilts made with two pieces of rhino horn of different color (beautiful gorade, Jim!). Jim, the last picture you posted clearly shows the use of a British 1796 light cavalry blade with its unmistakable hatchet point (blade that widens at the tip) reshaped.
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