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Old 13th October 2022, 04:05 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Amuk Murugul View Post
Hullo everybody!

Just dropping this in. May be of use to someone.


DOEHOENG Pangéran Papak (aka "Lam Lam Ha" Galeuh Pakoean / Ki Dongkol) :

Current location: reputedly with Ibrahim Adji’s extended family.

1515: gifted to Widjaja Koesoemah II / Ad. Liman Sandjaja (Limbangan) by Rk. Santang / Rj. Sangara.

1575: Upon the death of Widjaja Koesoemah II, it was passed down to his son / successor, Tmg. Wangsa Nagara and subsequently down the family line.

1863: (when these photographs were taken): in the possession of Rd. Wangsa Moehammad (Pg. Papak), of TjiNoenoek Garoet.

1899: in the possesion of inheritor/descendant Wangsa Di Nata.

1936: surrendered by Wangsa Di Nata to Sekar Madji Maridjan Karto Soewirjo of Daroel Islam (DI/TII)

1962: upon his arrest, surrendered by Karto Soewirjo to Brig.Gen. Ibrahim Adji , CO of Military Region (KoDaM / DIV.) VI: SilihWangi, who by coincidence, shared the same ancestry as Pg. Papak. Exhibited as part of Operation Restore Peace during The Bandoeng Industrial Exhibition.



Form: Betok Kérak


- inscription appears to be Al Baqarah 2:255 NOT 2:256.(But then, I haven't used Arabic since infant school.)
- could not see any " Lam Lam Ha" inscribed on blade.

As usual, should there be any deficiencies or incorrect info, please DO let me know.
Thanks Amuk. I am, of course, as many other here probably are, familiar with this keris, though these are some of the best detailed images i have seen to date of them, and your history of the lineage attached to the keris is very interesting.
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