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Old 11th October 2022, 09:03 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 194
Default An rare and early Khanda sword

A rare and early Khanda sword
This is a very early form of a Khanda sword. Pictures and information about it can also be found in the book by R.Elgood (Hindu Arms and Ritual).
I can't judge when it came from, it's very old!!
it is in good condition for its age, only the original handle end is missing here, it was replaced by a bowl-shaped end.
the tip of the blade has the typical cobra head shape.
it has 2 cutting edges and is very flexible. a small hole was punched into the tip area (not drilled). and at the end the year 1888 is stamped into it. i think it was a souvenir from a british soldier who took it home after his service as a wallhanger.
the handle is elaborately made of iron. the blade reinforcements are beautifully worked out. they are forged and not cast. these swords are rarely found in this good quality.

Total length: 820mm
blade length: 700mm
blade width at the tip: 58mm
blade width in front of the handle: 40mm

If you have any questions, please ask me!

Price: 2.600,- €

the transport costs depend on the place of residence of the buyer.
(but if you want to buy 2 of my offered swords then the transport would be free!!)
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