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Old 2nd October 2022, 06:43 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Philip View Post
I don't see any resemblance to a matchlock of any sort. This is a percussion-lock gun, the two mechanical systems don't have anything in common. The Japanese also didn't make side-by-side double-barrelled matchlocks (although they did make revolving three-barreled matchlock carbines, the manually-rotated barrel system resembling similar ones made in India.)

Chronologically, the 19th cent. heyday of percussion muzzle-loading guns is much later than the Japanese presence in SE Asia that you allude to.
Thank you for the elucidation Philip, I'm afraid my unfamiliarity with firearms has been revealed. However, my working knowledge has some viability, and I know the percussion system was not around until 19th c.
The reason I used the word traditional was to note the 'matchlock' styling on some stocks I had seen were intended to note resemblance, though quite obviously much earlier.

I think you notes on the wood, and toward Richard's observation on the unusual lock length are interesting as are the suggestions of this gun being produced in the colonial sphere with Asian influencing.
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