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Old 1st October 2022, 04:03 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by ausjulius View Post
no firangi are white men.. blonde haired blue eyed northern europeans.. as the original arabic and persian meaning denotes.
in thailand for example farang is not a nationality but a race. many italians would not be farangs but all swedish would be.
indians use of farangi means northern europeans as in its orignal arabic influenced context or "europeans" in general for the most part. in indian farangi is a white european person. a farangi blade is a blade from white european people.
farangi are "francs" i.e blonde, blue eyed tall people with white skin from europe- exotic barbarians.. the term predates arrival of european ships in india by a good while and arabs used it already in the 8th century.
Ah, yeah, now that you've mentioned it, the "francs" connection rings a bell (and makes a lot of sense). Thanks for the correction! }|:o)
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