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Old 26th September 2022, 08:29 AM   #12
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your knife / dagger reminded me a little of this one from the Southern Magreb : could be present day Moroccan, Berber or even Touareg.
The similarity I see is the blade, difference with your the position of the blade versus the grip / handle.

Where the "Magrebian"is synchronic; symetric line, with yours if a draw a (virtual) line all the way from the grip / handle down ...I see a few degrees difference with the line of the dagger
That looks strange to me as with most or all knives from that part of the world, or even Ottoman or post Ottoman countries you see a kind of "harmony" in the line of blade and grip.
Sorry I have no other way to express this...
And whilst I think yours is very nice, I mis the "harmony"or synchronity"and suspect perhaps a marriage...but than again I can be utterly wrong...
the decoration makes me think of the daggers from the Caucasus where you find 2 iron pins as fixation points and the blue decoration stones with filigree back to the glory days of the region around Samarkand
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Last edited by gp; 26th September 2022 at 01:47 PM.
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