Thank you so much everyone for all the comments! I should also thank everyone for all their input over the years as I've lurked this forum for quite some time and it has been an invaluable resource for me. I'm still getting the hang of the response function, so to try and get through everything:
@David Thank you for the info. I was also a bit puzzled by the fact that the blade seemed too corroded to be Balinese and had just assumed that it must have been brought in from elsewhere and dressed up by a dealer.
@IP Duly noted, I'll see what I can do next time
@Marco Thanks! It's not a masterpiece, but I quite like it. It has a nice "honest" feel to it and, as David noted, compared to the modern fake pamor blades...
@A.G. Maisey Thank you for the info and duly noted wrt the terminology and "dapur" vs "dhapur"

(According to Wikipedia that's a retroflex stop like in the Indian languages. Interesting...)
And in the meantime, this is the hulu(?) from one of my other keris. Apparently it might represent "Rare Kumara, a tutelary deity for
children on Bali"?