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Old 7th September 2022, 09:08 PM   #6
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey View Post
The hilt certainly does look like ivory, but if this keris was imported into another country from England it cannot possibly be ivory.
It looks like the hilt could be ivory to me as well, but we will know more when Ganapati posts some close-ups of it. I would not say that is impossible if that is the case. Rather i would say it is damn lucky you received it. It does seem old enough to qualify for antique ivory, but from the sounds of it there was no certification involved here so technically U.S. Customs would seize this if discovered.
Regarding all the rest i am pretty much in agreement with Alan. I am not sure what the seller might have been trying to imply with the suggestion that this was a "significant" keris. With a better fitted mendak, and perhaps a cloth to fill the opening in the pendok this is keris would certainly be a decent collection addition. It seems to be a decent blade in well made dress. The hilt, especially if ivory, is a fairly nice one, though i think it might look better turned 180º. I do hope though that you didn't have to pay extra for the "significant" factor.
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